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Member Since Jun 2017
Location: California, USA
Posts: 183
Default May 19, 2019 at 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
What if apply for a job a bit distance away? Even if just an hour away? Surely people wouldn’t know you there. Could you move a long distance away? People wouldn’t know you couple of hours away or more.
There's a saying: "A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on."

Even before the Internet Age, the rumors outran me - I have tried moving and everyone already knew who I was, or at least knew someone who did. Now my rumors can be searched on the Internet, and messenger services are filled with lies about me.

There is not a social group in existence that does not have a member who is spreading lies about me. That's simply how human communication works.

Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
What do you reveal about yourself? Is it something you must reveal like a criminal record? Or is it something you have rights to keep private? Workplace doesn't need to know everything. I’d like to help you but it’s hard without knowing the issue.
It is nothing I legally need to reveal about myself, nor have I actually done anything wrong. For a job, I only reveal that which is pertinent to employment. The discrimination I face is all about false perceptions and rumors told by social climbers.

Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
I’d say if particular people spread rumors about you and those rumors cause you not to get a job, it threatens your livelihood and I personally go see a lawyer. Lawyer can write a letter to these people with demands to stop rumors and you might even have some ground for a lawsuit.
Lawyers won't touch me, because they believe the rumors, too. The law won't protect me because not only do they also believe the rumors, the bully cops are the ones spreading them! Every childhood bully who decided to wear badge for a living is using their power to slander me - and some are shaking me down for extortion.

You don't understand the scope of the problem. There is nowhere for me to turn; humanity's hatred of me is popular - everyone loves it, and no one turns it away.

Please don't hug me.
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