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Member Since Jun 2017
Location: California, USA
Posts: 183
Default May 19, 2019 at 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Fuzzybear View Post
Obviously though as members of Homo sapiens, outcasts or not, everyone does form judgments and opinions...

I base my judgements on scientific fact and pre-established evidence; other people base their judgments and opinions on their emotions and what makes them popular.

Originally Posted by Fuzzybear View Post
I find one of the worst flaws in humanity (not everyone.. and I’m working on my own assumptions etc..) is their massive tendency to make wrong assumptions. And projection...

I hope you are not suggesting that I'm making wrong assumptions and/or projecting. Every thought I make is based on pre-established evidence - I can't afford to make mistakes by assuming anything, as people have proven that they will take advantage of every mistake I make. I certainly can't assume people will behave in good faith when the vast majority consistently act in bad faith. And I don't have enough of an identity to project coherently - there is not enough there - and what's there changes too rapidly - to generate a whole thought.

Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
Could you provide an example of what exactly do these people say or do? You say they spread rumors but what about and how does the police get involved in it?

My memory doesn't work that way - my brain does not retain specifics; it only rips apart memories and sorts the individual facts, destroying irrelevant details. I don't know what rumors they spread exactly, but those rumors make people hate and fear me. The police in general refuse to get involved at all, individual police are involved either as extortionists or friends of extortionists.

Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
Extortion is against the law so you certainly can file a police report about people involved in it. If police is spreading slander could you talk to a higher official? It wouldn’t cost you anything. File a complaint

The last time I tried anything like this, I got beaten to the edge of death, and promised if I did it again I would be killed. The law protects the powerful against the powerless - not the other way around. It is ridiculous to think that the law will in any way help me.

Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
It’s hard for us to understand without at least some examples

Why? Can't you just use your ability to think in the abstract to figure it out? Almost all of my thinking is in the abstract - I can't afford to think in specific terms, because every solution I create I can only afford to implement if it solves multiple issues at once. If my solutions only solve one thing at a time, they will cost more than the problems they fix! I am under severe economic constraints here - everything is expensive for me, because I have so little. I have to measure every action as equivalent to quantities of blood lost - how much blood would I have to lose in order to be in as poor of health as I would be after I perform an action? So every action I perform I must squeeze as much utility as I can, as every action weakens me and leaves me vulnerable to attack - not to mention people are already using the strategy of starving me of resources as it is...

Please don't hug me.
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