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Default May 21, 2019 at 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by resurgam View Post
"I outline my experience professionally within the mental health field, as well as personally in order to describe myself and my background. "

I could see where that would come off as a life coach type attitude...and by her asking for you to be her coach could seem possible. when you said no she got upset. regardless of if your blog won awards etc, that is the point....she thought you would help her, and you didn't.

you set a boundary & she didn't like it. read the psychotherapy forum. every other post has people complaining about how their therapist set a boundary & they don't like it. in some aspect this is the same situation...your blog and it's information acts as a quasi therapist for people. they can use it as a source for guidance. when she approached you for additional help, and you didn't respond in the manor she wanted, well anger ensued. (again read the posts in the forum)

I get you are proud of your work. this really doesn't have anything to do with the quality of it, or the awards etc. it is about you offering a service (the blog) and someone wanting more.

perhaps you might want to tag a line onto your blog info someplace that you are not a life coach and do not offer that to folks so this does not happen again.

why be appalled? your response is just as immature as theirs was...if you want to consider your work professional then think& act like it. you mention boundaries then respond at the same level she does. be the isn't about just writing like one, it is also about handling the responses, the conflict etc. if you put your thoughts out on a blog, be prepared for reactions... the entire world can read and respond and that is a boat load of readers..each with an entirely different perspective.

if you want to set yourself up as a pseudo life coach then why the response from you as appalled and upset ? respond as a pseudo life coach would.
Your post is neither helpful nor supportive. I don’t need to be called immature. Thank you very much. My feelings are perfectly valid and I AM appalled. I never state in my blog that I am acting as a life coach. I am not going to defend myself here. I am looking for support NOT criticism! Thank you.
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Thanks for this!