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Default May 22, 2019 at 08:45 PM
I haven't been able to access the forum for a week due to tech dif. BirdDancer: great job on all your Spring cleaning! I've done some myself and it's nice to have a clean home. WildFlowerChild25: congratulations on your house! It sounds like RS' family are very supportive. I feel like you're starting a whole new chapter of your life!

I feel like i'm shaking off my Winter depression. I think it's the Lamictal because i'm not super chatty like i am when i have Spring hypomania. In fact, i was out with my neighbor today with our dogs and i was quite uncomfortable as i was so tongue-tied. But i'd had her over earlier to see my keyboard and the interactive app it works with and that went well.

I've been eating healthy for twelve days. I'm not restricting calories because i don't think it's possible on Seroquel from many attempts and failures. I'm just eating healthy food in proper meals instead of grazing on junk all day. It probably doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to most of you but i've been eating so poorly for most of the past two decades i'm surprised i didn't get malnutrition. It was really hard the first week with intense hunger between meals but the second week has been easier.
Hugs from:
Anonymous46341, Daonnachd, fern46, gina_re, Innerzone, Nammu, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat, Unrigged64072835