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Default May 26, 2019 at 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by ruby2011 View Post
He treated a handful of others better than me. They weren’t invisible like me.
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not understanding, Ruby, but do you think you can break down exactly why you felt invisible. Describe what you saw and heard rather than what you felt. Does that make sense? You said he treated others better than you....what made you say that? Was he doing something in their company and not doing it in your company.....or was he doing something in your company and not doing it in their company?

See what I mean? If you can be really specific regarding the actions you did or did not experience (instead of feelings) then maybe I can help you with some ideas for moving forward.

For example, an action could be "my boss bought everyone a cup of coffee that morning and did not buy me a cup of coffee"
or "my boss would not allow me to take a break that day but my co-workers got breaks"
Those are actions.
"I was invisible compared to the others" is a feeling.

Does this make sense?

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Thanks for this!