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Member Since Mar 2015
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Default May 29, 2019 at 03:37 PM
Anyone else here work with their spouse? I do. In many ways it is the ideal set up. After a career of performing horribly at each job (either from combativeness, lack of productivity, etc), I finally decided that - for the foreseeable future - there was no way I would be able to perform in a 9-to-5 setting.

So my wife started a venture, and I became a charity case. She had some menial tasks to throw my way, and I needed a way to occupy my time.

Slowly my role became a bit more substantial. Now I am (knock on wood) in a good spot task-wise. I "handle" marketing - social media, video content, etc. It's pretty brainless work and I really don't have to interact much with others.

The one thing that has really been driving me batty lately, though, has been my annoyance with every word / activity of my spouse. Every conversation, every guffaw, every "how are you?" that she has on the phone, all day long. It's almost as if she knows I'm annoyed and takes it up a notch.

Did anyone here see "Office Space?" Remember that scene where Peter Gibbons sits at his cubicle and suffers endlessly when the receptionist mindlessly and endlessly repeats "Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina Speaking. Just a Moment"? That's what I feel like; ready to scream 24/7.

A lot of this is due to the extreme irritability that comes with having Bipolar disorder. It's driving me up the wall. I should go to a coffee shop, or the office. Problem is, at the office it's 10 times worse.

Well - I am eternally grateful that at least I have this opportunity that is mindless, but keeps me from sitting around. It doesn't pay, but hopefully it will bring us something eventually.

Diagnosis: Bipolar I w/ Depression

ECT - once / month
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