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Default Jun 03, 2019 at 01:11 PM
Well exactly ladies! He's 50 years old, for christ sake! AND he has a college aged child. I couldn't believe how entitled he acted when I held him accountable for no-showing on me the way he did. He acted like a child, not texting me ahead of time to validate ANY of those lame excuses as even being true (probably are just lies, in retrospect). The only reason someone no-shows on another person, is because they are a coward, and don't want to tell that person how they feel (that they don't want to hang out with them anymore, platonic or romantic).

I mean, how hard IS IT to take 4 seconds and text, "Sorry. Not feeling well. Need to cancel coffee today. Rain check for next weekend?" Had he done that, it would have shown me he considered my feelings. I'm nearly 50 myself, and I'm done giving people 2nd chances with good behavior like this. It's common courtesy to communicate with someone you're meeting up with for something social. I have no problems doing it.

I'm still angry that this guy and his female friend both socially rejected me this way. I mean, what the hell?! Why not just tell me you don't like me. I'll get over it!

Why do inconsiderate people act so entitled when you tell them that their behavior was rude and selfish to you. No where in his stupid 2 texts to me, did he even apologize for no-showing. All he did was deflect, accuse me of being overreactive, and try to justify his lame excuses, rather than see this from my perspective. He only wants to see this situation from his own perspective, as though he's some sort of victim which is baloney!!!
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