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Member Since Jun 2019
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Default Jun 04, 2019 at 11:18 PM
Yesterday I had a strange dream which has been on my mind and I was wondering what it could mean. A bit of a back story: I'm preparing to go on a road trip to help my parents move next week. I've been tight on money and slowly making money right now to be able to get my plane ticket back home. My husband told me not to worry, we will get it booked if that means he has to work extra at the office.

Here is the dream I had: I was on my way home from where my parents currently will be living. For some reason, in my dream, I was riding a bicycle from WA state back to CA. I was going through a woodsy area and ended up flying off a ledge and straight over the ocean. I freaked out for a sec but told myself to remain calm. For some reason, I never fell, just glided through the air, which I thought was so weird! And still do. I ended up seeing a huge building which looked like a mall and somehow got myself to be able to land on the outside balcony without hurting myself much. Was able to call my husband and he then helped arrange a flight to get me home safely.

I have no idea what this means. I'm still confused. There are many changes that have become recently. I created my own business, my parents and siblings (whom I'm very close to) are moving 2 states away, my husband and I are planning to move where my parents are in 3 months and we are thinking of buying a home there. I'm sure the changes have some type of relation to it. I'm just not sure what. Any help in the breakdown would be great! Especially what it means to go over a cliff over a body of water but to not fall in. I've had dreams of falling but not one of not falling in. Thank you!
KrysLpz is offline   Reply With QuoteReply With Quote
Thanks for this!