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Default Jun 09, 2019 at 11:47 PM
"How would you describe it?"

Good question. I know this answer is different for me than for some others because they have honestly told me so. For me, empathy is a force or sensory input in my body and mind which I often wish I could switch off. But I cannot. it is there whether I seek it or not. It is frequently described in society as some sort of gift or advantage but it doesn't feel that way to me. It's not an typically doesn't stop me from doing is more likely to compel me to do things....even when I am exhausted and don't want to do anything. It is painful. Can be physically painful and sickening or even frightening at times. Makes me aware of things that others don't see or feel. Things I wish I could be unaware of....very unpleasant things. Makes me very successful while working with people but thwarts my ability to care for myself. I don't know if that makes much sense? It is hard to convey.
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