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Default Jun 15, 2019 at 08:57 PM
Here’s an example of the lopsided, pushover stuff I do.

... a “friend” who doesn’t work outside the home would only make time to talk with me in the morning while I was heading into work.... Or she would talk in the evening when I needed to get ready for bed because I get up early for work....

...She never, ever had time to talk on the weekends. Never. Which is the only time I have because I work all week. One time I called her on a Saturday in tears over a sad event... I called a few times and she was sending my calls to voice mail. So I texted her and told her I was hurt that she wasn’t there when I needed her... yet I made a lot of time for her.

...She said she had been busy washing her car...And that friendships aren’t about keeping tabs on who is there for the other the most.

She’s right about that. Friendships aren’t about keeping tabs. But the friendship with her died when I stopped accommodating her.

I was an idiot. Never again. No more friendships like that ever again.
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Anonymous44076, happysobercrafter, TunedOut