Thread: tired of living
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Default Jun 16, 2019 at 05:35 AM
What prevents you from getting hired, @happycheeks?

Lack of jobs in your area? ... Lack of skill sets?

If it's the latter, is there an agency that can help you get the skills you need?

Also, don't be afraid to take a job with lesser responsibility while working on your issues.

I went from an 18 year office career to working third shift at a convenience store.

It was a bummer to take such a huge step back, but at the same time it freed up my days so I could focus on my recovery process.

It ended up being exactly what I needed at the time, and helped me to get back to a healthier space so I could take on a job that pays better and has benefits.

Also, when money got tight and insurance wasn't available, I went through a government agency for low to no cost medical services.

Just trying to help give you some ideas to explore because whenever I find myself down in that dark miasma of hopelessness and despair , I often can't see what possibilities are available to me, and that's when those thoughts of suicide and self-harm return - which makes it even harder!

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