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Default Jun 17, 2019 at 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by theoretical View Post

Yeah, I'll do that, and we'll see how well she handles boundaries.

While I do think she attracts drama, and probably even enjoys it to an extent, I'm not convinced that she likes me for the same reason. I think she likes me because I'm the counterbalance to the highly emotional junk that's going on in her life. She can vent all her emotions to me, and I'll be relatively calm and stable, regardless of what she does.

But this isn't a good thing. Suppose I weren't a psychopath and she were unloading all this onto some unsuspecting, innocent bystander who would be emotionally affected by it. Which is what she thinks she's doing, because she doesn't know that I'm not emotionally affected by it. Yet she continues to do it.
Excellent points. And no, I wasn't suggesting that she thinks you are dramatic. You obviously aren't. I was just wondering if that is what the bids for you to open up are about....digging for some "dirt." It does not sound like a genuine offering of support from her end. Because I don't think she's necessarily capable of that.

Yes, good point about what she thinks she's doing. At best, she's self-absorbed and insecure. At worst, she's trouble.

I was listening to a talk the other day from a psychologist I like. Something that struck me as very important was: "Insecurity does not stay contained. It inevitably spills out and affects the people around the insecure person."

Ultimately, I think it comes down to what you are willing to accept and tolerate from other people in your life.
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