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Member Since May 2019
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Default Jun 17, 2019 at 04:52 PM
Every single job I've ever had, I've been unpopular and I don't know why.I've never been able to hold a job down because the bullying has been off the charts and specifically directed at me, and my experiences have been intolerable. I've been singled out, treated badly and my managers and coworkers have made deliberate efforts and went out of their ways to treat me like a lower class citizen and make me feel unwelcome. I get treated like a servant, they don't train me on everything, scold at/yell at/embarrass/insult me in front of everyone, make fun of me, gossip about me, they don't even speak to me cordially and it gets to a point where I become so anxious and depressed I develop stomach problems, insomnia and unhappiness about life because I know I'm going to go back to that hellhole. Management refuses to work with/accommodate my availability, the whole team displays passive-aggressive/microaggressive behaviors to make things harder for me (putting trash in the dish bin so I have to dig it out even though the trash can is right there, etc.) and scold me when I'm pulling their weight, multitasking, taking care of guests and getting the dirty work done that they don't want to do. I don't gossip about my coworkers, I don't talk about personal information, I try to greet my coworkers and smile but they snub me, I'm not doing anything wrong, I never call in, I'm always perfectly on time and I just can't seem to figure out why nobody likes me. They are especially mean to me and it seems like it starts from my first day, they already have it in their minds that they don't like me and act on it. I'm in the most toxic workplace I've ever been right now and my mom won't let me quit but I find myself hoping they yell at me for something that's not my fault and lose their temper to firing me so I won't have to go back because this is just ridiculous. I'm never treated with respect, decency or equality and it's a cosmic mystery I can't crack. I can't figure it out. At every single job I have, I'm the black sheep everyone gangs up on and treats like dirt even though I'm nothing but nice to me and the CUSTOMERS love me so that speaks volumes about the staff.

Has anyone else had this experience?
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