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Default Jun 17, 2019 at 11:02 PM
The very first step to that is for people to give me the faith that they demand of me and believe what I tell them about my life
You told me to believe you so I believe you. You can take that as is. I will take your posts at face value.

Ultimately what I am looking for is a way to break through other people's prejudice and get them to see the real me,
Please let us know the real your own comfort level. Share about yourself. Nothing that feels unsafe to you. So far, you have shared your struggle and your views on humanity...will you share other aspects of you?
What do you enjoy? What are your interests?

It is highly unlikely that you fully think of me as an equal human being.
For me, it is a fact of life that you are equal to me because we are both human. We are the very same species. I am no better or less than anyone else. Neither are you. That's my world view. For me, it's like 2+2=4. Sincerely.

I do have a "glimmer" of hope that I will be able to find people who will not vilify me, but every person I meet dims that hope. It is human nature to harm and reject those outside the "tribe", and I am outside all tribes. Those are simply the inalienable facts.
I am not going to vilify you. And I believe that at the very least a few other folks on PC will not vilify you either.

I agree with you about tribalism. It is a very real and dangerous problem among humans. All we have to do is turn on the news to see it, right? The right versus the left, white versus black, poor versus rich, men versus women, one nation versus another. It is indeed everywhere BUT there are always individuals. I think that is what will help you. You look at the big picture. Nothing wrong with that. But what if you try looking at the smaller picture. For example, instead of focusing on humanity at large, just focus on one interaction at a time. This thread for example. There was some tension yes because I think some folks are frustrated when you seem to want help but reject it at the same time. I'm not saying you try to do that, but it can come across that way. Tension aside, there are folks writing to you because they care. They have no other reason to do so. They could ignore your posts and write to someone else or log off. But they are taking time to reach out to you.

I've been an outsider my whole life TheUrOther. I have no idea what it feels like to be part of a tribe. So I stopped trying. I focus on myself and one interaction at a time. And I have honestly met some decent and kind folks along the way. I remind myself of that often. Think smaller picture. I think you will find some peace there.
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