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Default Jun 18, 2019 at 02:59 AM
perhaps it is time to take a step up and take hold of your life. go back to school for classes you want..look for positions you want...
honestly an English assoc degree will serve you well...being well versed, literate, able to construct, order your thoughts & express them are skills that will never fail you. regardless of what field you eventually end up in you will use skill you mastered with that degree.

every major has a basic set of courses as it's foundation. some include more liberal arts, others not so much. if you have no idea what you want then going with an English major for an assoc. degree is a good base. I assume you are paying towards college? then suggest that if time is no rush for graduation exchange on of the required courses for another one you would like to explore. think about what you want to do after you complete the AA. will you finish the degree most people move ahead to the advanced degree...

do people bully you in class? if not then what is the difference between how you act at school & at work? people are people they don't usually act differently when they go to work. most people are fairly decent ...I just find it odd that you have been bullied everywhere you have worked...and wonder what school is like. maybe some of the issues are because "I feel like I have zero control or agency over my life and it's a hard thing to go through at 24. "
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