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Default Jun 19, 2019 at 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by theoretical View Post
Isn't that peculiar... Maybe people just don't care that much about birds?

If we consider empathy as a spectrum, then only those on the extreme end of it will be moved to save every small animal. Those in the middle of the bell curve usually only extend their empathy to those close to them, their family and friends, co-workers, pets, etc.

For most people, you have to convince them to care about the bird. You have to create a narrative which evokes certain emotions.
@theoretical your post reminded me of a term I unfortunately cannot recall at the moment. It refers to how people tend to naturally perceive their species as more important than any other species. An evolutionary survival mechanism. So people don't typically perceive a bird's problem as equally important as a human's problem. For example, when most people are asked: if you were driving down the road one day and had to swerve to avoid hitting a baby or a puppy, which would you choose? Most humans say they will avoid hitting the baby. Because the baby is the same species....and biologically deemed more valuable. I've met a few people who said they'd choose to avoid hitting the pup. I'm not exactly sure what that means. But there you have it.
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