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Default Jun 19, 2019 at 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by golden_eve View Post
I did write such a letter to him last December, to which he never replied. I pretty much had confronted all of the bad behaviors, and pretty much said most of what I wanted to and without anger.

Months after that, I learned that he lied about something else (in addition to all his other lies to me).

I learned that while living together, he used my debit card (without asking me) to buy DXM for himself and was using drugs and tripping in our apartment without my even knowing it.

I confronted him one day thinking that he had taken my anti-depressant because he couldn't walk or talk straight. He said no. But it turns our he was on other drugs, totally behind my back.

I took him to a concert and he was completely slumped over in his chair the entire time. Turns out he was on DXM and tripping then, too, without my knowing it.

So he was lying, using my credit card, charging drugs on it without asking me, and tripping behind my back. ALL while I was stressing out about money, financially supporting him, and encouraging and urging him to find a job. For nearly four months I stressed about having to support the both of us, while he claimed to be too "sick" coming off an anti-depressant to really work. BS. And here he was, tripping and using drugs all behind my back, on my credit card!!!!

I was livid, to say the least, to find this out.

This guy manipulated me to no end. And I had saved him from homelessness, not just once, but twice!

And when we broke up, he very cruelly & callously told me he loved his other ex fiance more than me.


He also went on many drunken abusive tirades against me while living together. He was entirely abusive.... lying, manipulative, verbally and emotionally abusive... all of it. Then he cheated in the end, to boot!

IF he does contact me, perhaps it truly is best to just ignore him and not confront this additional piece of info?

Maybe I've said it all already by confronting him about "all his lies" and abuse in general?
——your present relationship needs your strength and attention, not this other issue. I say put it in the past. U could write a letter, but let him go.

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