I feel your pain Barry. A lot of the generic Rx drugs come from India and many of the ADD meds are hopelessly weak and ineffective. Aurobindo ? is a generic many people post negatively about. Perhaps try another brand if your pharmacy will order it. Why not start a thread asking for opinions for the best generic available now (for thetype stim you take)??? Also....It seems the quality/potency changes even with-in brands every year or so...so be prepared to change brands occasionally.
Just a thought Barry...Why not make the thread now so when you are at your next Dr's appt you'll know which brand generic to request. Otherwise you may get corepharma (or w/e the new dud is) & you'll be stuck for another 2 months w/ ineffective meds.
TRD is hell on earth & pure misery for me too. Hope you get the right meds.