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Default Jun 26, 2019 at 04:48 PM
I've had high cholesterol for a while. Notably beyond "just high enough to be flagged", but I am a bit overweight and certainly diet has played a part. [I like cakes and donuts, etc .] I won't say that my Seroquel XR doesn't play a part, too.

I am not on a statin because my doctors believe that if I do adjust my diet (and exercise), that my cholesterol will go down. My GP hasn't put me on the statin also because he calls me low risk. He said "You're under 50, have normal blood pressure, and other results are often normal or not that high".

I actually have finally started a serious diet. When I reach my normal BMI (or lower) I'll be curious to see how my blood work is then. That'll be in February.

About 9 years ago, on Depakote and Invega, I had reached my highest weight ever. All of my blood work was bad. I was pre diabetic. I went on a serious dietitian prescribed diet and lost 40 lbs in six months. When tested then, all of my blood work was perfect. I had switched to Lithium, Tegretol XR, and Geodon, but I think the diet was the hero. I maintained much of the weight loss, but my blood work worsened a bit over time. Yes, Seroquel XR was added, but I know my diet contributed.

I wouldn't panic having slightly high cholesterol. You may just want to analyze what you eat. Perhaps it need not be fewer calories overall.

Do you have a lot of stress? I've read that that can increase bad cholesterol in some cases. See Does Stress Affect Your Cholesterol?
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