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Member Since Feb 2019
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Default Jul 03, 2019 at 09:57 AM
There once was a gentleman farmer from Derbyshire, who traveled to town to see the doctor, for a nasty bump on his head. Once home, he had some disturbing news for his wife of many years.
“What did the doctor say, my love, about that bump on your head?”
“He first asked, if I had a habit, of bumping my head as I passed through doors. I said, ‘Why yes, all my life, I’ve bumped my head on doors. Doors are a nuisance, I try best to avoid them.’
He then asked, if my feet get cold at night, as I sleep. I said, ‘Why yes, my feet get quite cold, hanging over the bed, why I wear wool stockings to sleep.’
The doctor then said the most startling, disturbing thing. He said, ‘Why sir, you bump your head, because you are quite tall. The nurse has measured your height at 7 feet, 7 inches. A normal man is 5 feet, 10 inches.’
Needless to say, I took quite a jump at that news, that number so strangely describing me.”
His kind wife explains,
“Why my Dear, of course you’re quite tall.
That’s why only you can retrieve the hay from the loft without a ladder;
why I retrieve the eggs from the chicken coup;
why Ms Perkins asked you to retrieve her cat from her tree last Summer;
why, on the Fourth of July, the best view of the parade is from your shoulders, Tommy loves it so;
and why you hang the star on the Christmas tree every year.
I’ve known this all our lives, and it’s one of the reasons, I fell in love with you.”
The man, still grappling with this realization,
“But what am I to do with such a startling diagnosis?”
His kind wife,
“Perhaps you could start ducking a bit when you come through the door.”
The old farmer grumbles,
“I’m a bit too old to change my habits now!”
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Thanks for this!
Skeezyks, unaluna