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Default Jul 03, 2019 at 02:20 PM
I'm sorry that I fell behind reading this thread, vut have caught up a bit.

Christina, thanks for asking about my therapy. I told my therapist about my bird boy. In the end, she was neither help nor harm with that grief. She did help with one issue I've been having

Tuscon, I fully understand the pain of losing a mother. It is something that never really leaves you, but living day by day and enjoying them with what's in the now, helps.

Blue_Bird, I know how torturous akathisia can be. I hope the Klonopin continues to help. Have you talked to your doctor about other akathisia relieving meds?

Wander, I hope the med adjustments help ease your worsening episode.

Wild Coyote, I hope your pain is easing.

Golden Snitch, will you be attending an IOP or PHP? If not, I hope you see your outside psychiatrist and therapist soon.
Hugs from:
Blue_Bird, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Blue_Bird, Wild Coyote, ~Christina