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Default Jul 06, 2019 at 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by fern46 View Post
In general, I like fireworks. I don't mind the noise and I enjoy the colors. We let the kids stay up late on the 4th to enjoy them. I wish people would stop at a reasonable time though. We heard them going off until midnight. My dog does not like fireworks. I don't like watching her suffer, but its only for a day. I also hate it for veterans who suffer PTSD because of the noise.

What happened in the last dream you can remember?
I told my husband this morning that I dreamt about having a new baby parrot. Some little boys were playing with it and in my dream I kept telling them to be careful with the little bird and to talk to it. I imagine that the recent premature loss of my parrot inspired this dream. In the dream, I was so worried for the baby parrot's safety.

Q: Was there a dream in your past that you woke up from feeling very happy? In brief, what about it made you happy?