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Default Jul 09, 2019 at 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Wonderful! That’s when I’m my happiest, most hopeful, most peaceful self The day is fresh and new and full of hope! I wake up at 4:30 for 5:30 water aerobics when I’m not depressed. In addition, I have a morning routine that involves journaling, affirmations, visualization, yoga, a healthy breakfast and straightening the house, etc. i conk our usually between 9-9:30 Pm.

Are you a morning or evening person?

honestly I like them both.

I like the mornings for the dawn chorus, the sounds of the children going to school, the cooler weather (before the sun is at it's highest), and the whole new day, new start thing- not knowing what the day will bring can be exciting

but I like the evenings for the darkness, the quiet outside, again the cooler weather, and the fact that if I've had a long day it's just going to be over in a few hours

so I like them both

tea or coffee?