Originally Posted by starryprince
I already know deep things about her because she self-disclosed way too fast and I felt like self-disclosing to balance things out but I'm being very cognizant of that.
If some minor details lined up, I'd be convinced that we've befriended the same person.
Your post describes one of my friends to a T. Insecure, controlling, over-sharing way too eagerly, pressuring others into sharing, etc. Yeah, I haven't ignored any of these red flags, and I suggest you don't either.
About a week ago, I watched my friend (Amy) completely lose her **** because her other friend hadn't texted her back. To be clear, this was a long-distance friend who she had met years ago and they occasionally kept touch through social media. Said friend didn't text back because she had serious medical issues and was being hospitalized. Amy knew this, but still was screaming to me about how her friend had "abandoned" her. Not for concern over her friend's health, no, she thought her friend was giving her the silent treatment. The point being - look at how she's behaved in other relationships. Is she okay if friendships naturally dissolve?
I don't really do the guilt thing, so Amy's attempts at manipulation and controlling behavior go over me like water off a duck's back. But if you're feeling worn down by this already, that's not a good sign.