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Default Jul 14, 2019 at 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by NotDeadYet View Post
Thanks and I'm not quite sure why. I was planning on downing a bunch of pills and killing myself at work but sorta wimped out at 4 and just sat in the bathroom for a bit staring at the blade. I just slid it down my arm, not really thinking since I didn't think it was that sharp but apparently I just wasn't feeling any of the pain.

Actually the main reason was that I pretty much felt no pain. Even though I was cutting deep enough to draw blood it felt like nothing (hurt more today so idk). I was feeling like **** due to typical paranoia and the fear that everyone truly hates me and that I'm just a drain on everyone's existence. I've also always thought that maybe if I was the typical mentally ill person that self harmed then maybe people might take me seriously? And watching the blood seep out was pretty distracting.

next time (if their is a next time), I truly hope not, but if their is, their is a thread up the top of this forum called "reasons not too", and I hope that reading through that, and also getting some feedback here about what people do to distract themselves when they get the thoughts, that will help you feel a bit better
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Thanks for this!
NotDeadYet, SlumberKitty