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Default Jul 19, 2019 at 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by rechu View Post
Thanks for the update. My department (boss, really) encourages an every man for them self sort of enviroment too. I have a lot of knowledge that would be useful to share with my co-workers, but since my boss devalues me and these things give me a competitive advantage, I only dole it out in certain situations, like with the other "veteran", I help her with Portuguese sometimes. I feel like I have to keep my competitive advantages. It's really sad. More collaboration would help everyone, I think.

Ugh. That really is very sad, Rechu. And I am sorry to hear this. I just don't get it. I see it over and over again whereby upper management does not foster great teamwork OR a collaborative environment.

I told my CEO that we're lacking true leadership in my field within my dept. That my boss is a former Web developer... we don't have a Director of SEO anymore.. they fired him early on in my tenure. I also told the CEO that a part of my disgruntled state has to do with lacking that leadership that I sought when I was first hired. In order to keep my job though, I also stated that I hope my SEO colleague who was promoted above me can step into that role more.... that was to save myself from being TOO honest. The guy above me who was promoted really has less experience in our field than I do, however, so I don't consult with him too often.
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