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Default Jul 20, 2019 at 08:08 AM
I'm 48 and have worked full-time for the last 25 years or so. I have worked in many different industries and fields, and I have held a variety of positions.

At this age and at this stage in my life where I am now a senior in my field, I can honestly say there are more toxic and crappy work environments led by crappy and toxic bosses than I care to even think about.

I have had about five or six abusive bosses in my career -- bosses who have been threatened by my level of competence, my intelligence and my ability to not only succeed, but to thrive and expand in my role.

I have met far too many insecure, inept bosses who somehow managed to climb the ladder without being fully qualified OR without having good managerial skills, who have wreaked havoc on all their underlings.

I have also worked in environments whereby the executive management team is horrific. Where they take advantage of all employees, pay them as little as possible and stretch them as thin as possible, without a care in the world and without conscience.

So, WHY are there SO many horrific work environments out there?

Is it because people are generally crappy people in this world, and therefore, work environments are the result of people's general crappiness???

On PC, I hear more work horror stories that point to this reality of the working world.

Then, on top of it all, IF you are being abused, or IF you are being overworked, taken advantage of, stepped on, or any number of circumstances, you are NOT allowed to stand up for your rights to human decency, respect and to a healthy work environment. If you do, you're deemed as a troublemaker. So basically you're expected to lie down, shut up, and take the abuse.

I think this may all be leading to my working for myself one day again. Not now, not yet, but perhaps in five years.

If you happen to have the opposite, you are very lucky, and in my experience, that is very rare. This is basically a rant, but please feel free to chime in.
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Thanks for this!
Skeezyks, Yzen