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Default Jul 22, 2019 at 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
This is fascinating. I wonder the prevalence of conditions like Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and/or of migraine/migraine equivalents in people living with BP?

I have read that there is a high correlation with BP and migraine. I am wondering about TLE?

It's interesting because these symptoms are also found in these two other conditions... and both migraines and TLE tend to respond well to Tegretol.

I am going to go out on a limb here and theorize that each/all of these "conditions" could easily be active/stirred up at the same time.

My Disclaimer: I am not sure of what to think, honestly. It seems to make sense that these 3 conditions, and symptoms thereof, might co-exist and might respond best to Tegretol?

Someone better versed in the science might do a much better job of theorizing and/or in stating things more logically. I am not at my best tonight.

Love to All!
I can say that I have experienced clear cut bipolar symptoms since 14 years old, but it was only in my mid 30s and early 40s that I ever had migraines, symptoms that led to a simple partial seizures (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) diagnosis, very significant dissociative symptoms, and musical hallucinations. This "bombardment of neurological issues", as I call it, followed a four year period of my very worst bipolar episodes. But with time and proper treatment, all eased. I have not experienced any of the neuro issues for years now, but I do still have the occasional bipolar hypomanic/manic, mixed, or depressive episodes. Luckily, they are less frequent and easy to squash than before, on my current medications.

I think Tegretol XR is a bit of a hero med for me, but it is mostly a hero at curbing that neuro chaos I wrote about. Lamictal is great for my bipolar depression, but nothing else is good at curbing my manias except the antipsychotics. Seroquel XR really helps with all psych issues I have.
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Hugs from:
Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote