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Default Aug 13, 2019 at 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Chyialee View Post
Red Flags for me?

1. Very very intense, very very quickly. Too close, waay too fast.
2. Too presumptuous that my/your time, attention, and/or resources should be theirs implicitly and automatically
3. Requires boundless quantities of emotional, mental, and physical energy bc s/he is sooo special and should have EVERYTHING s/he needs -- again, it should be automatically given.

4. There is no 4 because by that time I'm so bloody freaking exhausted I cannot think straight anymore and don't want to . All I want is a BREAK!

Phew, I'm exhausted just typing that. lol
Chyia, definitely one of the Firm Boundary Tribe
The last part made me giggle. I hope that's alright. =) I agree with all of these, especiallythe 1st one! It's something I keep a lookout for when I just meet someone. I was talking to someone at my job and they immediately started telling me their trauma. I stay away now. =(

~nonbinary trans individual with they/them pronouns who desires to be a knight in shining armor~
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Thanks for this!
Chyialee, leomama