Thread: Let's be real
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Default Aug 23, 2019 at 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
Asking people why they are anxious will not produce any logical answer because they probably can’t explain, they are likely are just afraid of heights or open space or deep water or dark whatever other things some people might be afraid of. There is usually no explanation (sometimes there might be)
Shame. It is very interesting, and I wonder what compels people to react the way they do.

Originally Posted by hvert View Post
If you weren't intentionally trying to be honest, how would you have handled the conversation?
It isn't about the conversation so much, but the presentation. I would've giggled, joked, fidgeted, and otherwise acted giddy and anxious like everyone else was.

A question though, what do people feel when they're like this? Can they stop behaving this way?

Originally Posted by resurgam View Post
when people ask me how I am I don't delve deep I to my cptsd diagnosis or physical ailments because it doesn't define me and I doubt most people really want to know.

you say you don't feel emotions but clearly this has you worried..about presenting yourself...wouldn't that in itself be an emotion? maybe not a huge wide grin or deep abysmal sadness....but I would classify concern as being emotional.
Of course I'm not going to tell people I'm a psychopath, not even if they flat-out asked me. That would be silly. By "deeper level," I mean the more serious scenarios which lead people to feeling anxious or afraid. Sure, they'll joke about my lack of reaction to whimsical adrenaline junkie games, but they might not find the humor if we come upon a fatal car accident and I still fail to react.

What do you feel when you're worried? I'm just trying something new and looking for advice.

Originally Posted by Sisabel View Post
I think it’s just curiosity.
And admittedly, I am a little amused by people's curiosity.
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