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Default Aug 23, 2019 at 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Hummingbird1950 View Post
Hello Going ~ Yes, indeed !! The more I reflect back on the last sessions, I have come to believe her physical presentation is off-putting. I was, trying to find the correct word for this, felt her nails, for example were inappropriate and her body language was very telling. Why would she stretch out those red painted very pointed fingernails towards me the minute I sat down. Everything about her smacks of crazy making.

And that picture that she keeps on the floor facing me of a fractured person with bits and pieces disconnected on the print is very unsettling. I knew if I went back, I would turn that picture away from me.

Yes, at first my mind could not grasp her hissing at me for turning the wrong corner until much later on after I left and reached a place of safety. I needed to be safely away from her to reflect on all the oddities that went on and that hissing has been haunting me. Hissing at a client............ imagine that. She could do alot of damage/harm to a patient. This one thing had a reverberating effect on me and it is still going on inside of me, trying to work on getting that out of my head.

Yes, I agree, I think those therapy sessions would be a good story for Stephen King too. The Twilight Zone.... the patient enters the room of uncertainty, what would become of the patient after entering and being exposed to a mind altering experience............ would the room carry with the patient in it's mind forever to be stuck in those 4 walls, repeating the exposure forever, trying to undo the experience and searching for that door of safety. Would the patient take that picture of the fractured person and make it whole again? Let me stop here as I am getting carried away.

I keep reading that this practice has a revolving door of therapists and psych docs. Over the year I have wanted to go there, but my insurance would not permit it, but every time I visit their site online, they have different therapists there. This therapist I am seeing now is relatively new and already there is a slew of complaints about her on Yelp.

And that is another thing, my Rollator. I need that for stability so I am clueless why a person in the medical field would object to "the monster in the room", or "that thing". Such an inappropriate thing for a therapist to show judgments like this and share with a patient. It's one thing to think this, but not out loud. When my new psych doc's nurse objected to me walking the Rollator into his room, when I got home, I noticed that the bags attached to my walker were unsnapped and riffled thru. Needless to say, I won't be going back to these two so-called medical professionals.

Now, I feel I need to go into therapy to deal with the effects of what Cruella De Vill did to me. Fortunately for me, I am not going back to continue to expose myself to this type of shock therapy.

I will start a new psychologist next week with open eyes and will have lots of questions for her. Now, my anxiety is very high about sitting down in front of a new therapist. There are absolutely no reviews about her online, she has been practicing for 20 years. She was listed on Psychology Today and those are verified professionals, so hoping nothing goes south for me. I don't drive myself so I won't have a car to dive into to grasp a sense of safety should this next appt go south. I have never had this experience with anyone before.


Wow! That picture is ultra disturbing and just plain sick! She is really out of it!!!

You know I really don't mean to joke or get silly. But, I would want to wear Google glasses or do something to film her because she is really nuts!

You know you might consider writing a letter to the head practice manager about her. I agree with you that what she does is totally traumatizing.

I am so glad that you found another psychologist to work with. I bet you will have a better experience with this new person. Please update us on how things go with your new provider.

Thank you for updating me about the Day treatment program. I really hope you can go.

Also, it is good that you are leaving the psychiatrist too. Going through your stuff is very inappropriate. That practice has a bunch of providers with severe boundary issues.

I wonder who you can complain to about all of this. Even the issue with your rollator should not be an issue according to the disabilities act. And the therapist making nasty comments about it just shows you what a disgusting person and provider she is.

Yup boundary issues and Stephen King alright.

Thank you for sharing your situation with us. Please vent all that you need to. We are here for you.
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Thanks for this!
Hummingbird1950, SlumberKitty