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Default Sep 02, 2019 at 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Sleepyem View Post
Yeah you are right that’s it I think about it a lot, it’s not that I don’t want human contact I just want it to be special meaningful.
I feel like I want it to be "good" contact, but, most of the time it isn't good contact. I once heard the definition of a gentleman was someone who made everyone around him feel good. By that definition there are none left. Almost everyone I encounter on a daily basis is dripping with concern for themselves only - worn on their sleeve. Just a regular day can have me annoyed and aggravated by 8:30 am. From watching people leave their bags on the seat on the train to watching them rush down the track pushing and jostling when they will maybe gain 2 seconds by doing so.

Imagine what it would be like for everyone to be concerned on the train that everyone get a seat. Imagine what it would be like for everyone to walk slowly and let others out, even if it meant it took longer for them to get down the train way.

I wonder sometimes if we really messed up with modern day society. In the 40s or 50 yes it was corny to be earnest, to offer to help others, to invite strangers over for dinner and to have manners which made other's happy. We thought ourselves so smart to disregard all these things but, in the end, things WERE better then and it was perhaps necessary to have large groups of people and for us all to be happy.
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