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Old Sep 05, 2019, 11:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Wow! You are getting a lot done! I enJOY my Roku. It is older and does not have the all of the features you have mentioned (or if it does, I am oblivious). it might help if I would put an SD card in it.

Lately, I have been watching shows on my tablet at night because it gives off much less light in the room than does the big TV.

How is it going now that you have restarted the AP med?

Glad to read you are doing so well!
Never knew they could take SD cards. Hmm. I bought a 500GB external SSD for its high read, write, and transfer speeds. 4K is a lot of data to push through a wire if you're trying to read from a device and then display it on a TV, so you need something that can push data through at a fast rate. Otherwise, you get frame stuttering and lag, and sound may be off. And you really do need a 4K HDMI 2.0 cord at the bare minimum for true 4K.

There are solid state flash drives you can get if you want something that provides SSD speeds in a smaller, more compact body, but they kinda suck at this point in terms of technological development in 2019. Lots of them are unreliable. Though if you have a 1080p Roku, then I wouldn't bother with anything more than an SD card. Not really needed IMO.

And yeah, I like tablets too.

I'm doing okay going back on my AP. I hate being on an AP, though, because I'm getting brain damage from it.
Hugs from:
Anonymous45023, Anonymous46341, bizi, Fuzzybear, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
childofchaos831, Fuzzybear, Wild Coyote