I had a very part time job as a ESL and ASL tutor and hand delivered to SS my new info. Then I was let go as the last hired when funding was cut. SS claimed I never let them know and want to cut my SSDI even tho I didn't make over the allotted monthly income. I went in person and the person I talked to said oh you reported to the wrong compartment! Thankfully she was nice and cleared it up or I would have been on the streets losing my only income and health insurance. I think it helped that I had a copy of the letter I gave them. They also wanted me to pay them the amount of money I earned! She took care of that too! I think it helped that I used an ASL interpreter and had that as a third party witness.
…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann