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Old Sep 06, 2019, 08:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by yellow_fleurs View Post
Not feeling great physically, but could be worse, and hoping to turn it around. Just kind of fatigued and joints feel flared up which has me discouraged about the whole running thing and feeling quite blah in general. Having a bit of a hard time cognitively which is making work more of a challenge, but just going to keep on keeping on. Hope everyone has a great day!
Have you thought about biking? Maybe not a bike itself if you don't have one, but an exercise bike? The impact on your knees from running is far greater than the impact on your knees from cycling, so in theory, you shouldn't get as much of a flare up from cycling, although admittedly, I do not know how bad your flare up is and what movements are most painful. Just a thought, though.

I haven't been keeping up with a lot of posts here, so I can't tell if you have a gym membership or not, but I think an exercise bike might help.
Hugs from:
Anonymous46341, BeyondtheRainbow, bizi, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote