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Old Sep 13, 2019, 05:41 PM
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Victoria'smom Victoria'smom is offline
Member Since: Apr 2012
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Posts: 15,507
Today was extremely stressful. My son was sick. My dog had to go to the vet because she was limping. Turns out to be arthritis but THAT was a ton of money. Then we had to drive an hour away (I hate driving) for a phone for my son.
Me- SzA
Husband- Bipolar 1
Daughter- mood disorder+

Comfortable broken and happy

"So I don't know why I'm tongue tied At the wrong time when I need this."- P!nk
My blog
Hugs from:
Anonymous45023, bizi, Sunflower123, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote