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Default Sep 16, 2019 at 12:48 AM
I don't pay any mind to meanings...never have. I just don't think that way I suppose. Maybe I DO miss out on important revelations! I do however enjoy the spectacles unleashed in an unbidden subconscious. Greatest movie-making machine Gawd ever saw fit to assemble in my opinion...I just love dreamin'!

That said I had a cannibal dream once. Pretty weird one. I was supposedly a spy for the allies in WW2 and had infiltrated a elite sorta German commando unit and had to train with them. Part of the training was having to eat human flesh. The room in which this took place was tiled pale green and had old fashioned medical tables etc in there. The set and cinematography so to speak was seriously creepy. Anyway, I ate a bit and carried on with other things. The taste in my dream was like nothing I had ever did not however taste like meat of any sort...just weird. The cannibalism, apparently, was just a step to the story. That's the main part that stands out in my memory however...I was pretty appalled. Great dream though! Love that dream adrenaline too! My recurring tornado dreams are great favorites!
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