I am into porn to no problems there, and my partner looks at them and nothing happens, I can drive him wild and he lays there and laps it up, l get no touching out of him on my back or leg or any part of me while touching him
l get zip in return, I love sex. I didn't no a girl could orgasm till l was 29 so l think thats why l want it so bad now.
but partner just wont give it to me. he says it cos l girls in his past that has turned him off. so how am l to turn him back on when he want come to the party . this is 8 months now and boy have l tried so hard to wake him up. I even took pictures of my self and sent them to his email.
his reply was he looks at porn as why do they do that, not as to turn him on.
As there are some weird porn out there. He can come to bed after looking at them and still go straight to sleep. no turn on