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Default Oct 03, 2019 at 07:31 AM
Hi BethRags. I understand the discomfort of having mental health providers clearly showing bad moods/stress. I've experienced that with a few in the past. Even my long-time psychiatrist can come across as grumpy on occasion. Or even yell. He can also be a wet blanket. If it is a constant, that can be good reason to change a doctor/therapist, but if it is a temporary thing, perhaps if it affects you negatively, it's good to tell them. They are human with problems in life, too. However, if there is ever a doctor or other service provider that should try extra extra hard to regulate such emotions at work, it is a psychiatrist and therapist. Us psych patients are often very easily triggered.

I have received the same exact lecture you received from my psychiatrist a few times. The last time he delivered it in a very appropriate and calm way. To that, I took it well and the lecture achieved what it was supposed to. The other times, it was in response to me not just adjusting my own medications, but even quitting one (or more). That sparked a much angrier reaction, which I now feel was also justified. Plus, I think it was more stemming from caring. Yes, some docs need not (or should not) respond angrily, but sometimes it can be a "jolt" of sorts. What I'm willing to take from my current long-time psychiatrist may not be what I'd take from another. And it goes the other way, too.

Please do talk to your doctor about how you feel. I wouldn't cancel the appointment. Talking, not running away, is something we must all do to help ourselves and others. It could help your psychiatrist.

Last edited by Anonymous46341; Oct 03, 2019 at 09:56 AM..
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*Beth*, BipolarWolf, bizi, bpcyclist, fern46, Sunflower123, Wild Coyote
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*Beth*, BipolarWolf, bpcyclist, fern46, Sunflower123, Wild Coyote