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Unhappy Oct 22, 2019 at 01:02 PM
Pfrog is working diligently to keep her wits about her while trying to make up her mind which way to go with all this.

The number one barrier I'm facing is a paralyzing fear and distrust of any and all things healthcare related.

I have already had way too many bad outcomes with medical stuff in my life and have found myself harmed more often than helped by it.

The arrogance and condescension I've received from many in the medical community has only served to increase my fear and distrust.

I believe in my heart that all that's gone wrong with my body is a direct result of a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic back in 2009.

I've been in chronic pain and declining health ever since!

Not to mention this aggressive, rapidly progressing arthritis - whatever the hell kind it is!

I've come across many legitimate articles about drug-induced autoimmune disorders which can't help but to confirm my suspicions, but ...

Whenever I've mentioned this to medical personnel, I've been met with a stony silence and/or a dismissiveness that is rather unsettling to me.

I've often wished for my body to be back like it was before I had that effing allergic reaction to that effing antibiotic!

It all boils down to wish in one hand, @#$%! in the other ... And, sadly, I already know the answer to that one!

Thanks for this!