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Default Oct 26, 2019 at 07:16 AM
I can relate. I want a relationship but not at the cost of having a bad one. And at this time in my life that is all I see around me. So I am actually content with not being with someone. People still have to judge me about it. A lot of people imho do so because they have put a relationship or sex up on a pedestal as an achievement for themselves. And, if you don't value it as a major achievement, it lessens theirs. They don't give a crud about you, they want you to be in a relationship to make their sacrifice more important.

Some believe that life is not about reproduction, rather it is about being able to impact the world. That we are all matter and energy and matter and energy itself cannot "think" or "suffer" so it has created a life form that can do that. Each part of this energy gets to be in human (or cat or dog) form and impact the universe with their mind and also learn to experience things so that when it returns to energy form... those experiences are passed on. Like an ocean that has been divided up into cups. Having sex or being married is one experience out of billions. Your experience is just as valuable to the collective as any other.
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Thanks for this!