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Member Since Nov 2019
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Trig Nov 04, 2019 at 09:28 PM
I'm considering printing up some mediocre quality cards briefly accounting for my illness to hand to clients at work. Something along the lines of

"Hi, my name is dotcat. I live with an affective disorder. This means that my brain doesn't produce the right 'chemicals' to regulate the appearance of my mood. I receive regular treatment for this medical condition and am stable. If I come off as excitable or inattentive, that is not usually the case, but feel free to bring it to my attention."

It seems like the only backlash from clients and supervisors is strictly symptomatic. And yes I own it when I loose my cool early in a manic episode, I will go to the quickest available psych and get me some neuroleptic. I'm pretty burnt out on every few months needing to remind people that I'm still ill. But I maintain an incredibly high level of function so the idea that something is wrong with my brain doesn't stick with folks. I just had a big fiasco over minor transcription error....that legally has to be proofed by my clients anyway. I'm comfortable introducing my illness, just as much as one of superiors who has cerebral pallsey is with his. Nobody gets mad when he suddenly can't write. My biggest concern is the potential legal implementations of this action. Am I protecting myself? Or potentially harming the companies reputation? I'm so sick of discrimination hiding behind that little word, stigma.

A little bit of what I do. I deal in most things death; less cremation and bone grinding. Thanks asthma.... seriously most crematory work sucks. Mostly back office and prep. But I do meet with families to make arrangements. I found this industry and found my little niche in life/death

It's hard for me to not carry a peaceful smile in the face of a personally inflicted gun shot wound, and I'd pitch a fit every time a cop or coroner inspector would just drop someone off their gallows, so I don't do much transportation these days.
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