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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 10:16 PM
i'm going back on the Seroquel. i have been withdrawing for four months and deteriorating rapidly, sensitive and vulnerable and not able to function. i have been attributing it to other things like age, peri-menopause, bipolar psychosis, but none of those things can account for the rapidity of my deterioration as well as the withdrawal from Seroquel can. i'm over-reacting to the littlest things and feel as weak as a ragdoll. if i continue without Seroquel i will have to live like an invalid at 53. even my clothes hurt. i have been wearing pajamas all day, even when i take my dog out (i wear a parka). human faces are bothering me. it feels like the most benign things are reaching into my brain stem. i laugh and cry and rage and grieve. i'd rather be numb, comfortably numb and be able to get things done. i have to get my dogs nails trimmed tomorrow at the vet's. my neighbor is driving us and i just hope to get thru it without hysteria.

i feel real disoriented and don't understand what is happening to me.
Hugs from:
Anonymous46341, falcon09, Innerzone, Nammu, Sunflower123, Victoria'smom, Wild Coyote, wildflowerchild25
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote, ~Christina