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Default Nov 10, 2019 at 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by seesaw View Post
Then, in this phone conversation that had lasted 5 minutes so far he got angry with me and refused to discuss any other treatment options and kept saying that the conversation had gone on VERY long and he ddint have time. And I had a scheduled call with him, that he had called late to, and 5 minutes isnt a long call. You're giving me test results and talking treatment options, dumbass, I'm likely going to have questions and going to want to make an informed choice. Not just do whatever you say I have to do. .
Yes my doctor wasn't happy with me. I never consulted her for the results.. I just asked the file room for them. My doctor, in her stubbornness, still has "mild sleep apnea" listed on my record.

For everyone here -- NEVER EVER EVER just take your doctor's word for it. Get the records. You have the right to. I always do that, with every single test I ever get.

I suspect sleep apnea is an over broad diagnosis and disease. There are some people who have it but most people do not. Even if I did.. I would prefer to die early and have good sleep than have a machine pumping up my nose every night for a life time. That is just stupid doctor bull. They should have known that a "cure" like that is no cure at all.

I believe that the doctors are in bed with the sleep apnea people and they must get a kick back. My doctor refused to consider any other reason for me being sleepy and tired and I have learned not to bring it up with her anymore because she will just insist the sleep apnea is the reason.
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Hugs from:
Lilly2, seesaw
Thanks for this!
Lilly2, seesaw