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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by LonesomeTonight View Post
Thanks, Scarlet. That's actually something we did for a couple years (much to her grandparents' disappointment). But then last year she suddenly seemed into unwrapping presents. But they had to actually be wrapped--if they were in gift bags, she didn't seem excited about them! Unfortunately, we didn't figure that out until "Santa" had already come. Because she kept asking if there were more presents to unwrap, and I'd show her the bags, and she was like, "No, *presents*." So I had to call my mom (we were headed there that afternoon) and ask if she could wrap whatever they'd put in bags! Who knows how she'll be this year...

A big part of it is just that it's so much...stuff. I'm pretty sure from what she was saying at dinner Saturday that my mother-in-law is going to buy every "Frozen II" item available for her...
LT, this sounds like it would be so stressful! How do you know when it's part of her being on the spectrum or just a random kid thing? There are certainly times with all kids when you have to set a limit or say no about a seemingly weird thing that they want and they melt down, and it's actually kind of healthy for them to get their feelings out and for you to gently hold firm on the "no." How do you know if you should be doing that as a parent or if you should be making extra accommodations for her being on the spectrum? Asking as a novice parent with a kid on the verge of toddlerdom....
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