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Default Nov 15, 2019 at 06:57 AM
Hi bluebicyle. I feel more mentally able, in some ways, now than before. In other ways, less. I think being in my late 40s plays a part in the latter and former. Being very grounded/stable certainly helps my thinking in various ways. Did/does hypomania supercharge some of my mental abilities? Sure, but at the expense of other things.

I believe that severe episodes did affect me, cognitively, for a while. However, having them finally controlled allowed my brain to heal, in a sense. It took a while, but it happened.

Medications never permanently affected me, mentally. Temporarily? Sure. In my case, I think oversedation was an issue. I don't feel oversedated now, though. I got past that side effect - even from 600 mg Seroquel XR.

Medications like Lithium and Lamictal, at higher doses, did cloud my thinking a bit. I no longer take Lithium, and though I still take Lamictal, I take a very small dose now. My other bipolar medications don't affect me, cognitively.

It's important to have mental stimulation in life. One must exercise their brain. Just like physical abilities decrease from being stationary too long, so do mental abilities. I've experienced a lot of mental stimulation in recent years, though different types than in my youth. I actually feel more creative now, in many ways, than in my youth. I have forgotten most of the calculus I learned at 18, but improved upon so many other things.

I don't have the ability to handle as many stressors as I could in the past. That is one way my illness has disabled me. I don't think medication has anything to do with that, nor can medication help that. Therapy can help. Or, I must rework my goals.

Last edited by Anonymous46341; Nov 15, 2019 at 07:13 AM..
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Wild Coyote
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Wild Coyote