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Member Since Nov 2019
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Default Nov 17, 2019 at 01:57 PM
hey ,How can I post a new thread?

I happen to see your post because it was #1 on the list and I had some free time and read through it.

Im truly sorry that your going through a difficult moment in your life and it must be extermely difficult to go through it.
If you havent already sat down and spoken with a couselor thats probably a good place to start.pouring out your heart sometimes helps clear out the clutter, than you can make room to start storing new things.

Im not an expert or anything but I might have some life lessons that might be beneficial.

So start by asking yourself
1) what is bothering you the MOST.?
In life were going to have many obstacles but we can only overcome them one at a time and take it day by day. Your going to have good days and not so great ones but either way we got to stay focused and keep have no choice but to better yourself in whatever area needs work and practice makes dont quit on YOU!

2) Problem 2
Your dont want to express yourself in writing because you want to keep your feelings hidden and not be exposed.
*again ask yoursef why you dont want your feelings validated and when was the first time you felt that way.
Are. You thinking maybe nobody will value your feelings or simply not care enough to invest emotionally in hearing you vent .
*Find the root case why you believe , what you believe.because whatever it is, its holding you back from being the best you can be.
Expression of self is unique and theres no right or wrong way.some express through Art, music , writing get the idea. Not expressing yourself is cutting yourself short from some positive opportunities that are very rewarding for yourself.
Find a nice hiding place for your journal, Maybe try hiding your journal i between your mattress

3)why do you want to Isolate yourself?
Find the root cause and possible goals to overcome.
*Have you considered joining a support group in your community where they'll be more sensitive and caring to your needs and ways to overcome or overcome if not .maybe you should start one at your local can overcome that fear , and i think you'll be surprised your not the only one with this battle and you need to reach out and surround yourself with careing people. Total isolation is not the solution but maybe ignoring Negative people for a while might be a good start in the meantime .

4)so you want to drink and smoke ? Sounds like your trying to self medicate your feelings?
Im not trying to judge you but most people do it for that reason to try relieve their anxiety.
Your basically stuffing down your feelings to not deal with them and drinking & smoking to try to numb yourself , but Guess what its just festering and its only a matter of time before they come back and emerge.
If you want to feel different you have to do things differently.when you start to get those feelings ask yourself what triggered it and retrace your steps and find coping skills to rid your stress .something positive thats tangebile and physical like walking, biking, playing an instrument etc. Get your mind focused on activities that are rewarding.

When were under stress our bodies release a chemical called adrenaline..that basically makes you feel panic..but you can get rid of it.drink plenty of water because that helps too.

5)Tell yourself Everyday what makes you unique and valuable that others might dismiss because they dont know how to appreciate a good thing. But you wish others would notice.
Others may not value in you and miss out , thats theyre loss..but dont do it to yourself dont become your worst enemy.
Take a few minutes and tell yourself what makes you such a wonderful person.
Maybe your kind, have a great sense of humor, fill in the spaces.😉

Get a notbook.
Start by Writing on one page (The Problem) and on the Back (possible Solutions) and coping skills to get through the hard time because its going to be a bumpy ride.problems wont go away right away it takes time and Patience but with determination you can achieve your goals.

Im trying to look at the big Picture as an outsider looking in.
I hope this helps 😊

You feel Insecure
*Ask yourself why?
Find Solutions to overcome it.

Mind valley: Marrissa Peers on youtube helped me and its free
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