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Default Nov 20, 2019 at 10:28 PM
My situation is that I have pigeon-holed myself for the past ten years by "gigging" as a substitute teacher and contract-temp worker. Not because I wanted to pursue these paths, but because circumstances in my life steered me into this pigeon-holed existence of living week to week, wondering where my next paycheck will come from, where will I sleep, what will I eat, etc.

For the past month, I've been in a temp job that I was told upfront, could potentially turn into a full-time job BUT that regardless of how great I'm doing, the company would NOT pay the fee required to break my temp contract with the temp agency that placed me, so that the company could pay my salary and benefits for the full-time role.

Today, I was submitted to a new 2-month gig starting through a different temp agency, with a different company that starts in 2 weeks that pays $5 more than what I'm making hourly now. The catch is that this company also has a ton of job openings -- some of which I qualify for outright -- that are different than the 2 month gig which is just your typical receptionist gig which they are not hiring for b/c their receptionist is on maternity leave.

So, I'm thinking of using this as an opportunity to leverage myself in the following ways:

1. Tell the company I'm temping with now that I was offered another job that starts in 2 weeks, but that I'd like to stay with them and will only stay if they offer me a full-time job.

Pro: I get a full time job through this leverage.
Con: If I take the 2 month gig, and leave this company b/c they won't hire me full-time, I can never use this temp agency again b/c technically I'll have quit this temp job which is not allowed when you are a temp on an active assignment.

2. Tell the company hiring for the 2-month gig, that while I appreciate being interviewed for the front desk 2-month gig, I'd really like to be considered instead for the several full-time jobs they are hiring for.

Pro: If I'm offered the 2-month gig, I'll only accept it if they will hire me for one of their job openings.

Con: I may not be offered the 2-month gig if my leverage is, "hire me full-time afterward for [other job advertised on the company website]."

Does anyone have any thoughts?
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