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Default Nov 26, 2019 at 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Honestly blanche, these people can go f**k themselves. They have no idea what they lost.
Yes indeed they can sarah! *hugs*

Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Well, I suppose you should write those mice a nice thank you note.

I don't know you , so this is probably just a ridiculous thing to say, but what about business school? Ever consider something like that? Man, people with those degrees seem to do well. It's not a requirement, obviously, but it does seem to jump-start the starting salary situation. You sound like a go-getter, though. You probably don't even need that.

All the career gurus say to go with your passion. The problem is, sometimes that changes. Maybe that's where you find yourself. I went to school for 9 million years and then practiced surgery for a good while. But then I found out that what I was best at was running medical technology companies. Who would have known? They don't teach that in medical school.

So, anyway, carpe diem. And please keep us posted.
I'd write the mice a note but fear they'd just chew it up and turn it into a new nest.

I'm in grad school again, but so far it hasn't helped me get a better job. Age bias in the temp agencies (carried out by the recruiters) is my #1 barrier to getting a direct hire temp job, or a full-time job. It seems like recruiters are like cockroaches now -- they are everywhere. Even in academia's human resources departments and it disgusts me.

Yesterday, a 25 year old recruiter with a bad perm (I saw her photo online) sniped at me that my experience as an admin was "too old" despite the fact that I personally know 2 faculty members in the dept., where the admin role opening is. Let's just say, I screamed for about 4 minutes straight in my car, while at a stoplight. I'm sure the cars around me were stunned into surprise. Wondering, what is wrong with that woman?

Anyone who tells me "don't take it personally" needs to bend over and close their eyes and cover their butt b/c I will kick them hard for being dismissive and insensitive for saying such a thing. I have EVERY right to be angry, to be livid, to be flabbergasted. I don't need advice. I don't need a job counselor. I don't need another degree.

I just need a job. And not a crappy job.

I don't need anyone telling me dismissively to get over it, to keep my chin up or any of that hoey. Let me be angry. Let me be sad. Let me process this horrible reality because that's healthier than repressing it to please someone else who is uncomfortable with my pain and irritation. I'm done with those types of people judging me silently, belittling me with stupid religious platitudes and gaslighting phrases like "it'll be ok." How do they know? It may not be ok. It may get worse! So, shut up! I don't need ANYONE to tell me it gets better. It may NOT!

There's a difference between sympathy and empathy.

I hate people who offer me their sympathy because that is insulting to my intelligence and it belittles and demeans me. I'm going to be fuming about this situation until I can resolve it.

This diatribe is not directed at you either bpcyclist so don't read into it that way. I'm venting anger like lava exploding from an active volcano. You were only trying to be helpful. But I don't need help. I don't need sympathy. I need to hear from people who have been in my shoes, and how they coped, and how they found their job.
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Hugs from:
Thanks for this!