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Member Since May 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 487
Default Dec 01, 2019 at 08:16 PM
Let me caution you ,get as much evidence of what went on before filling a formal complaint ,I offer up a very brief current example .

I have a current doctor who is clearly abusing and neglecting me ,beyonď that comes pressuring me to have a surgical procedure that :

Is very expensive ,2 is guaranteed to fail and 3 result in my death ,but she still gets paid , and the reason I know it would be fatal ,she talked me through the way the procedure would go , she has been my doctor for 12 years and it says in big letters this drug she wants to use is a fatal allergy ,no other doctor has ever proposed going anywhere within a thousand feet of that drug .

So I finnaly reach my braking point with her and report her up the hospital administrative chain ,I get crickets .

I go to state medical board with not just medical records but a recording of this conversation ,and there response " you might be an ex patient with an axe to grind , you need more evidence of wrongdoing ,stop trying to destroy a doctors reputation", so I say am not an ex patient I am current patient ,and she has stopped all treatment and limited my options to something that will kill me .

The cookie on the sundae , the chronic medical conditions she has decided to stop treating ,saying "oh you'll be fine" have twice already esclated to life threatening in patient hospitalizations for 12 weeks where other doctors have complained about her conduct .

If she doesn't want to treat me she is supposed to ensure I have proper care established by her recovering me to someone and them accepting my care ,but yet somehow we all must be wrong because the state medical board thinks we are over reacting ,and the evidence of her neglect and abuse including the recording of her in her own words is insufficient as are the records and complaints from other doctors .

I am not going to drop the issue ,and I have already found 8 similar allegations in the last two years ,that are being buried .

So the more you get the better and if you get stonewalled don't go away ,that's what they want .
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Anonymous46341, Out There, precaryous, RoxanneToto
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